Monday, April 17, 2023

Vaping vs. Smoking: Is Vaping Healthier for You?

The debate on whether vaping is healthier than smoking cigarettes has been ongoing for years. While some vapers claim that vaping is a safer alternative to smoking, others argue that it is not. With the long-term health effects of vaping still not fully understood, it is crucial to explore this topic and provide readers with accurate and up-to-date information.

Vaping vs. Smoking

Richard, an advertising worker, claims that vaping is “very much healthier than smoking”. According to him, smoking cigarettes significantly reduces his sports performance, whereas vaping has a minimal effect on him. Another vaper who vapes every one to two hours agrees, saying that vaping is “lighter on the lungs” than smoking cigarettes.

However, other vapers are unsure whether vaping is healthier than smoking, while some acknowledge that the ease of access to vaping means that they are more exposed to it compared to smoking. Henry, for instance, does not believe that vaping is a healthier outlet, adding that he is not a heavy vaper, so it can’t be that unhealthy. Sarah, a vaper since 17, admits that she takes in more harmful chemicals due to the frequency of her vaping.

Unknown Health Benefits

Addiction experts and smoking cessation counsellors assert that the health benefits of vaping over smoking are unknown at best. A recent study by Johns Hopkins University found that vaping aerosols contain thousands of unknown chemicals and substances not disclosed by manufacturers, including industrial chemicals and caffeine.

However, the National Health Service website of Britain maintains that while vaping is not entirely harmless, it is a viable strategy to help people quit smoking. According to the site, nicotine is not very harmful and has been safely used in medicine for many years to help people quit smoking. It also states that e-cigarettes do not produce tar or carbon monoxide, two of the most harmful elements in tobacco smoke.

Despite this, local experts caution that the science is not conclusive. Smoking cessation specialist Sean Ang notes that vaping is “definitely not healthy”. He further states that while vaping, harmful chemicals are introduced into the vaper’s body, with nicotine being one of them. These chemicals increase a person’s risk of getting respiratory and cardiovascular conditions, and there are even reports of seizures happening.

Mr Ang also adds that since there is no regulation on vaping products, it is not known what the contents of the vaping pods are. Dr Lambert Low, a consultant at the National Addictions Management Service at the Institute of Mental Health, agrees, noting that vapes contain nicotine, which may be in a higher concentration than the one found in cigarettes.

According to Dr Low, nicotine is a highly addictive chemical and has been shown to be detrimental to the developing brain of adolescents. The chemical predisposes them to cognitive impairments such as problems with attention and memory, as well as behavioural and emotional problems later on, such as depression and anxiety disorders.


In conclusion, while some vapers claim that vaping is healthier than smoking, the health benefits of vaping over smoking are unknown at best. Vaping may expose people to thousands of unknown chemicals, including harmful ones such as nicotine. Even though e-cigarettes do not produce tar or carbon monoxide, the lack of regulation in the vaping industry makes it difficult to ascertain the contents of vaping pods.

It is essential to note that there is no safe level of smoking or vaping. Quitting smoking or vaping is the best way to reduce the risk of developing respiratory and cardiovascular diseases.


  • What are the long-term effects of vaping?
    The long-term effects of vaping are still not fully understood, as the industry is relatively new. However, studies have shown that vaping can expose people to thousands of unknown chemicals, including harmful ones such as nicotine. Nicotine is highly addictive and can cause respiratory and cardiovascular diseases in the long term.

  • Is vaping worse than smoking?
    While vaping may be less harmful than smoking traditional cigarettes, it is not entirely safe. Vaping may expose people to harmful chemicals, including nicotine, and may lead to respiratory and cardiovascular diseases. The best way to reduce the risk of developing such diseases is to quit smoking or vaping altogether.

  • Can vaping help people quit smoking?
    Vaping can be a viable strategy to help people quit smoking. According to the National Health Service of Britain, e-cigarettes do not produce tar or carbon monoxide, two of the most harmful elements in tobacco smoke. Nicotine, which is found in e-cigarettes, is not very harmful and has been safely used in medicine for many years to help people quit smoking.

  • Are e-cigarettes safe to use?
    E-cigarettes are not entirely safe to use. Studies have shown that vaping aerosols contain thousands of unknown chemicals and substances not disclosed by manufacturers, including industrial chemicals and caffeine. Vaping may also expose people to harmful chemicals, including nicotine, which can cause respiratory and cardiovascular diseases in the long term.

  • Can vaping cause seizures?
    Yes, vaping can cause seizures, although the risk is relatively low. According to the US Food and Drug Administration, there have been reports of seizures associated with e-cigarette use since 2010. However, the cause of these seizures is not yet fully understood, and more research is needed to determine the relationship between vaping and seizures.

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